We no longer sell uniforms in school and all uniforms can be purchased via local company School Days .
You can either visit School Days instore or purchase online.
At Kings Road our uniform consists of:
- A yellow school logo polo shirt
- A blue school logo sweatshirt
The children are allowed to wear their own trousers in whatever colour or pattern, however we do recommend jogging bottoms or leggings (jeans are not great for running, climbing or crawling!!).
Please ensure your child wears sensible footwear that has a closed in toe and no laces, they should be able to take them off and put them on independently.
The children can wear their own warm waterproof coat or School Days do offer a Kings Road embroided logo coat (this is not essential, however).
The school logo changed slightly in 2018, however past parents who have uniforms with the old logo are still very welcome to use these.
Kings Road Nursery School, Melfort Drive, Belfast, BT5 7FD | Phone: 028 9048 3991